Sunday 29 April 2012

Week 7 Textile Repeats


Although I was away for this lesson, I attempted to create a Toss Repeat Pattern, Half Drop Repeat Pattern and a Full Drop Repeat Pattern on photoshop.


1. Open up your motif in photoshop. Then go to Select> All> Edit> Copy. 
2. Open up a new square document. Go to View> Snap to> Layers> View> Snap to> All. (to flatten)
3. Go to View> Rulers and drag your cursor from the horizontal and vertical ruler until they snap to centre giving you a guide to work with. (Four square divisions)
4. Using one of the four sections go to Edit> Paste. Arrange your motif so that it touches the top left hand corner of your chosen square. Edit> Transform> Flip Vertical. Place this part in the bottom right hand corner. 
5. Do the same for the top right but flip the image horizontally. Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontal. 
6. begin to add in the motif but changing the size and positioning using Edit> Free Transform. Toss these about the square. 
7. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool select that square. Edit> Define Pattern> OK.
8. Open a new document. Go to Edit> Fill. Find your new pattern and select OK. 9.Retouching needs to be done using the 'Spot Healing Brush Tool' by dragging the brush in a zig-zag style across the lines. Or You can use the stamp tool by holding down alt and clicking over the line to conceal the track marks. 

Example of Toss Repeat!


1. Open up your motif in photoshop. Go to Select> ALL. Edit> Copy
2. Go to Image> Image size. Take  down the pixel measurements for accuracy and success.
3. Go to Filter> Other> Offset. Make sure that the Wrap around is selected. Divide the vertical pixel image size by two and change the horizontal to 0. Click OK.
4. Go to Image> Canvas size and change to percent then click the middle box on the left hand size. Change the Width to 200% and leave the Height as 100%.
5. Go to Edit> Paste (original image you first copied) and move the image directly to the right of the first. Flatten the image.
7. Open a new document. Edit> Fill. Find your new pattern and select OK. 

6. Select> All> Edit> Define Pattern> OK.

Example of Half Drop Repeat!
1. Open up your motif in photoshop.
2. Go to Image> Image size and take down the pixel measurements for accuracy and no seam lines.
3. Go to Filter> Other> Offset and divide the horizontal and vertical pixel images sizes by two and enter the new values. Click OK.4. Fix any track marks by using the 'Spot Healing Brush Tool', dragging the brush in a zig-zag style across the lines. Otherwise you can use the stamp tool by holding down 'alt' and clicking over the line to conceal the seam line (break). 
5. Go to Select> All> Edit> Define Pattern> OK.
6. Open a new document in photoshop and go to Edit> Fill. Find your new pattern and select OK. 


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