Sunday 29 April 2012

Spice and Kick!


I like the vibrancy of the chilli's colour, the different shades of red and green bursting through the dense ever green leaves.

I like the shapes of the leaves, with the symmetrical veins, beginning from the centre out, similarly as to how the plant grows.

I like the repetition of the leaves down the stems, the chilli growing, sprouting from the centre growing upwards.

When i spotted this little white flower hidden amongst the bright and dominant leaves and chilli i thought it special. It was a minuscule delicate white flower. Like a hidden secret.

 Shape and colour of this leaf formation, I like. Forms an overall (leafy) silhouette.

Another photo of the nearly hidden green chillies , like a subtle surprise, a kick/spice within the plant.

Burst of vibrant red, contrast to the deep green.

These are a couple of the sketches of the leaves i did. The one to the left has much less detail whereas the above sketch has intricate vein detail. 

Using different thickness of inks (when inking the sketches), I applied my knowledge of technical sketches to these. I like the way the thickness and lines of the veins/leaf undulates.

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