Saturday 7 April 2012

Week 5 - Photoshop Brushes Tutorial

Girl with Watercolour Brushed Hair Tutorial

For my first attempt at this exercise, altering the hue/saturation etc. was simple enough, although when it came to the 'hair' - brush strokes, i did not realise that you only  needed to click once, to create each sinuous stroke (not drag and create). The next problem i encountered was that the girl's 'face' was not visible on top of all the brush strokes. I knew that this had to do with the layering (order), so the second time i created this image I managed to achieve a similar result!

- First Attempt -
In the moment I was confused, but after thinking about it i realised my 'Layers' weren't in the right order. I needed to bring up the 'Face' layer (girl's head) right to the top of the list to go on TOP of all the other layers!

Final Product:

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